Imagine you are in Spain, a foreign country for you, and you talk a little spanish, but not as much as to explain a little more complicated things. But you want to go to a acupuncture treatment in Valencia now that you have a little time. You have the urge to explain what you are feeling, because your head is aching or your just a little anxious or something similar. So with us you can feel free to tell us every symptom or complaint you have, to have a appropriate treatment. Even if you want just relaxing session of acupuncture or massage, this is your place.
Acupuncture practice treats a wide range of disorders as insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, infertility, premenstrual syndrome, painful menstrual period, but also pain of all kinds as backpain, sciatica, kneepain, headache and allergic rhinitis, cold, asma, skin and gastrointestinal disorders.
Here you can find the WHO recommendation for acupuncture treatments.
We as certified acupuncturist and manual therapists (Practitioners Register Nr. PR: 11311-2287) can help you in several of these complaints. We always recommend to try some sessions and then look how you’re feeling. Sometimes – depending on each case – it takes only one session to alleviate your discomfort. Try it! You have now the chance!
Coinciding with Chinese Traditional Medicine and naturopathic point of view we also offer a lot of different manual therapies such as:
– relaxing massage or activating-draining massage
– cellulite massage
– Jade Beauty Facial Massage
Kinesology Taping
Dietetics & Phytotherapy
Metamorphic Massage
Yoga for adults
Want to make un appointment with us? Find us here!